Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hey, it's another post! Ha ha
I forgot to say that I am grateful for Sandra for forwarding the emails from her girls. I really enjoy and look forward to them.

I am grateful for my testimony of the Gospel, and for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am grateful for this time of year that I have to reflect upon the Atonement and His Resurrection. Easter is a wonderful time of year. It's springtime, a new birth for so many things. Let us all take this time of year to ponder our own lives and start anew on the things that we would like to do better.

I am so thankful for the missionaries and their love for the gospel. I am grateful for their desire to serve and their great examples. I am so very humbled by the service of my nephew Elder Zachary Nelson and my nieces Sister Tara Tolman and Sister Alisha Checketts. They are all in the missionfield right now. I love reading about their experiences and their testimonies.

And I cannot forget my niece Brittany Checketts. She has such a love for the gospel and shares it with everyone she meets. She talks of giving pass along cards to Taxi Drivers and it makes me smile. She just got engaged and I know she is going to make a great wife and mother. Congratulations to Shane Huish(hope I got that right) for snagging such a great girl!

Thanks to everyone who helps to keep us informed of all of our family and friends. We love you all!

April 2011

Okay, so the monthly thing didn't work out too well either. Ha ha. Technology is great, but it still takes time and effort to make it work! I will get it one of these days.

Things are going great for us. The kids have been really busy with school, and Jed with work. I try to keep busy at home. I have been called to Grand Jury duty. It has been a week, with 3 days of it at the courthouse. I am still being considered to serve on this particular jury. I still wont find out until about Friday if I am to serve on it or not. If selected, the trial is supposed to go through mid-June. What a crazy thing. I think it would be neat to do it, but at the same time, I am a little apprehensive about just how crazy it will make our lives.

We planted a small garden this year, and it's fun to see the plants growing and starting to blossom. We haven't had anything to eat from it yet, but it shouldn't be too much longer. We are still loving the Arizona sunshine. Sometimes it gets a little warm, but we don't complain much. I would take the heat over the snow anyday.

In church, Jed was called to the scout committee. It's perfect for him because he can really work it around his crazy work schedule. He has been working in AZ for a while, but he works a mix of days and nights, so his internal clock is all out of whack! He is looking forward to helping out and doing some camping with the scouts again. I was called to be the Relief Society Preparedness Specialist. It is a calling that I am pretty excited about. I have a lot of ideas, and a lot of resources, and now this calling will help me to put it into practice while helping others do the same.

A few weeks ago, we had our friends, Chris, Charles, Deven, Aubrey and Joseph Eckersell come down from Utah. They were on Spring break and went to the Grand Canyon. We were able to meet them halfway between here and there and have a day of picnicking and hiking(or nature walking as the kids said) around old ruins. We went to Montezuma's well, Montezuma's castle and Tuzigoot National monument. It was pretty fun. I mostly enjoyed seeing my friends and having that connection again. This week, Jed's sister JaNel came for spring break with Brad, Shayla, and McKayla. They stopped on their way to Tuscon and spent Sunday afternoon with us. It was great to see them. Both of these visits have us all excited for out Trip to Utah this summer. We can't wait to see all our friends and family. We expect to be in Utah about June 23rd and stay until July16.

Well, that's it for today. I will try to keep you better updated, but who knows with me?! I will at least let you know about the Jury Duty!

Until next time,

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 2011

Wow, I am really horrible at keeping this thing updated. I am sorry to all of you who have been wondering and waiting for an update! Not only is it now January, it's a whole new decade! I have a lot to catch up on, and then I am going to TRY to post at least monthly on what's going on in our family.

October: After surgery, we swung back into life. Jed and I were on the activities committee at church so we helped put together the ward trunk or treat. It was a lot of fun, and was really good to get the kids involved with us also. We are so enjoying them at this stage of life.

November: Not a lot happened this month. I was on the mend and slowly getting back to real life. I tell people that I don't want to get back to normal, but that I want to establish a new normal for me. I felt really good this month. Not sick, no ear problems, no sore throats. I felt better than I had in a long time. My brother Shane brought his family down for Thanksgiving. It was so nice to see them, and glad they could come. We had a great time. His kids don't like the drive, but I'm sure glad they did it.

December: After feeling so good in November, I hit a brick wall and felt awful. Doctors said that it was my body not having any thyroid hormone. It was time to do the radioiodine treatment. I had to stay isolated from everyone for about 4 days. I thought it would be great to lounge around and read, watch tv and movies, and sleep. In reality though, my neck swelled a lot. I was pukey, and had migraines. I think I slept in a ball for most of the time I was alone. The rest of the time was spent wishing I felt better. After my time was up, I was able to resume a normal diet. No more low iodine. Jed took me out and we had a great dinner. After that I really started to bounce back.
We put up Christmas and really enjoyed our holidays. The kids were home for just over 2 weeks. We spent a lot of time together and it was great. At the last minute, I decided to go home to Utah to see my family for Christmas. I flew up alone. I spent Christmas morning with my kids, and then flew up that night. I stayed for 2 days and came home exhausted. I was able to see Jed's family as well as my own. I also saw a few friends. It was nice to be "home". I regret not being able to see more people, but it was not from lack of trying. I am looking forward to a long visit this summer when my whole family can go.
Jed started working a lot in the office this month. Things are going pretty good for him, but the office is crazy. Sometimes I think I would rather have him in the field even if he does have to travel. But, this is good for him. We are looking forward to having him here a lot more.
January: This month we celebrated our 17 year wedding anniversary. I can't believe he has put up with me for that long! I am so grateful to Jed for his love and caring for me and for our children. I am so grateful for families that can be together forever.
The kids are back in school and doing good. Alyson is planning out the rest of her high school schedule in preparation for college. She loves getting mail from the various colleges. I can't believe that she will be off to college in about a year and a half. Where does the time go? Tyson has given up his band class. There was so many students in it, that he didn't feel he was getting anywhere with it. So, he has traded in his drum sticks for pottery clay and he is now in a ceramics class. He is really enjoying that. Alexys is liking school, but starting to get nervous about going to Jr. High next year. She has always been so quiet, I hope she will come out of her shell and show everyone how great she is. Hannah is in running club at school. She loves to run, and has her first race this week. She is so excited. I am glad that she has found something that she can do and take pride in a job well done.
As far as our health goes, Jed is still sore in the shoulder. He just switched doctors and they are recommending more physical therapy. Glad it's not surgery. He will get better, he's just not very patient. Maybe this is so he can learn to have some patience! I am doing good. I am working with the doctors to make sure my thyroid hormone supplements are balanced well. From here on out, it's just routine blood work and body scans. Unless something shows up, I am good to go!

I would like to finish by saying how grateful I am to my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I know they live, and that they love me. I have felt their love very strong in recent months. I am glad to be a part of their plan. I am glad to belong to such a great family, and I am thankful for each one of them for putting up with me and my eccentricities. I am grateful for good parents who taught me to respect and be respected, to know right from wrong, and to serve unselfishly. I am thankful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and for the wonderful brothers and sisters that I have there. We love you and appreciate all of you!
Until next month, T